A Quick Guide To Dry Exfoliation

We love it when skincare and self-care come together to meet in the middle and, if you’ve been looking for a way to indulge yourself and help your skin remain soft, supple and healthy, then dry exfoliation could very well be a gift from the veritable gods.

Self-care is all about taking some time out from your busy, hectic schedule and doing something peaceful and calming, allowing your mind, body and soul to quieten and for you to come away feeling refreshed, invigorated and ready to tackle whatever the rest of your life has to throw at you.

It’s been gaining momentum as a concept for some time now but, of course, really came to the fore during the pandemic and in the years following, with people really needing to find ways to deal with constant pressure and seemingly never-ending change. 

Self-care can certainly help build resilience, emotionally, mentally and physically – so why not try combining it with your skincare regime to see just how good you could feel.

You may not have tried dry exfoliation before, but it couldn’t be easier to get started and it leaves your skin looking, feeling and smelling delicious.

To begin, all you need is some dry exfoliation brushes, preferably with soft bristles as you don’t want to damage your skin. Working from your ankles upwards, gently run the brush over your body in small circles, massaging as you go and focusing on any troublesome or dry areas you know you have.

A brush with a longer handle can help you reach your back and you can also find brushes that have massaging nodules attached to ease any aching muscles. Just make sure that you don’t be too vigorous with your brushing… you’re simply trying to buff away dead skin cells and improve circulation, so don’t press down too hard!

Once you’ve finished brushing, all you need to do is hop in the shower for a quick rinse with your favourite bathing products, before gently patting yourself down with a clean towel. Then you’re ready to apply your choice of luxurious body oils, which will make your skin sing and leave you feeling very well cared for indeed.

Dry exfoliation is also a great opportunity to check your skin for any changes or any lumps and bumps that could prove problematic in the future. If you find any skin concerns or see any changes in moles over time, make sure you have a chat with a medical professional just in case. Chances are it’s nothing to worry about – but it’s always a good idea to check.

And, if you’re worried about the planet, dry exfoliation also helps you use less water each week, since you’ll only be in the shower for a minute at a time. So everyone’s a winner!

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