Rewilding Your Skin: What’s It All About?

One of the big buzzwords in skincare right now is ‘rewilding’, something you may well have already come across if you love nothing more than looking after your skin and feel as though you may be using one product too many in your daily routine.

Modern life is tricky, as they say, and it can really take its toll on our skin, with all those free radicals and polluting elements floating around. They’re impossible to escape, so it’s important that you are giving your skin all the help it needs to build its defences and ensure it continues to look healthy and glowing, no matter what.

However, it’s not just pollution that we need to be mindful of where our skin is concerned and, in fact, the skincare products we use can also contribute to certain issues, such as increasing skin sensitivity and causing dryness.

As such, it’s essential that we pay close attention to how our skin reacts to products so we can counteract any negative effects… and this is where skin rewilding really comes into its own.

If you use too many strong products regularly, you can actually disrupt the skin microbiome, which features thousands of different types of microorganisms that come together to actually help our skin support our immune system and keep nasty bugs at bay.

If you’re overusing products or using a counteracting combination of ingredients, you may find your skin barrier is no longer effective… and this is where you may start to see problems manifesting themselves in your skin.

Rewilding, however, can help you redress the balance and restore your skin to its former glory, while giving it the strength it needs to tackle what modern living has to throw at it.

So how do you go about rewilding your skin?

First of all, remember that what we eat can have a direct impact on the health of our skin. Following a balanced diet featuring lots of fibre and fermented products, as well as probiotics, can really help your skin microbiome, so perhaps look at what’s on your plate as a good initial step to take.

Fresh air can also work wonders for the skin microbiome, as well as for our mental and physical health! Trying to get out and about each and every day can breathe new life into your skin… and morning sun is incredibly good for you so, if you can, aim to head outside early on during the day.

We’d love to hear how rewilding is going for you, so get in touch to let us know how you’re getting on. And if you’re looking for kinder skincare products that respect your microbiome, make sure you check out our anti-inflammatory face cream, available now in our online shop.

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